Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Of "Film Noir" and more colds~~~~

Hello Darklings,

Well I am having my 3rd cup of coffee for the Morning,  having arrived at "Oh my Gosh, it's too darn early" a.m.    At least I took the first Ferry over, it helps me get into the mood of working in this Gothic Noir City.

But we do have a back log of work, thanks to the Martin Luther King jr holiday and some sort of important event that occurred back in Washington D.C.  I think it was called an inauguration?  Sorry Darklings, but I am being a little cynical.

The Holiday I perfectly understand, King worked hard for equality, but some other things I tend to be snide about.  Maybe it's because I've been here at work since early morning, and am now taking a break.

My sister and I had a wonderful, relaxing Spa weekend, it ended much too soon, but if one doesn't go back to work then it is hard to appreciate such a wonderful treat.

Sad to say we will not have Coralline with us this coming weekend, both she and one of her brothers came down with colds.   Her mother wants to make sure it will not develop any worse so she is confined to bed and is having her studies delivered to her home by her teacher.  Lovely lady, I met her, she is very inspiring to encourage children to learn.

Miranda is also disapointed and was looking forward to seeing her again.  But she too has a  big assignment that she needs to have done to present on the following Monday.

But all is not lost My Darklings,  this weekend starts the San Francisco Film Noir Festival and Peggy Cummings will be there for a special presentation and talk, I have my tickets and am looking towards a full week of Noir Films.  Doyle will be able to attend many of the films with me except for opening weekend, so I am going with a friend of mine and we are going to have fun dressed in our 1940's clothing. 

Many of these films are not available on DVD so I am making a list and I hope for their eventual release, and a number of them have been restored.  I am always interested in those films that are done in San Francisco,  to see the old city-scape as it was during the 40's, 50's and early 60's is so fasinating espeically with all the changes.   Changes that are still happening even now.

Ahhh one of my co-workers has just brought me my 4th cup of coffee and, yes, I do detect a hint of pumpkin spice creamer!  Perfect for a cold winter day.  What a dear man.  

And now my Darklings I have to go back to work.  If any of you are into Film Noir check out the web site for San Francisco Film Noir Festival.  You will find it very interesting.

Later Darklings

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