Thursday, December 10, 2015

Of slowly improving for Christmas~~~

Hello My Darklings,

Yes I know it's been days since I last posted but I have a confession to make, I really was a lot more ill than I let on, I had been in the hospital, it was pneumonia and I had the shot too!   But sometimes it can hit pretty hard.

The doctor told me that if I didn't have the short I would still be in the hospital possibly with complications.  so I should be thankful for the vaccine.

I was having the visiting nurse coming by everyday for a short while but with my improvement its down to two times a week and I have Betty to help me every day.  I have to confess I don't like to be babied, so she told me to think of it as being pampered.   O.K.  I'll accept that.

And I am getting stronger everyday.

I think it was really hard on the children, they can understand sniffles and colds and the flu but this I think frightened them.  And they are keeping a sharp eye on me,  Sis says she can understand that, its like having a unit that use to work flawlessly start having problems and when that happens everything else breaks down until the unit can be "fixed".   Or understand that they have to go on without that unit.  (that was my addition).  

I'm completely retried now from my job, I may be called in for consultation or as a independent contractor if needed.  But frankly I'm enjoying the freedom of retirement.  But I'm keeping up with all the new developments.

We did have some fun, Thanksgiving was at my brother's and sister in law's house, and it was wonderful, the food, the conversation, the games, the silliness.   The next day we went to the Dickens Christmas Fair and Coralline and her brother Chris went in their Victorian Semi-steam punk outfits, Sis and Monica and my brother came along we all were dressed in Victorian clothing except my brother, he really didn't have the right outfit, but with a brown sweater, a knitted scarf and a wool newsboy hat he did look close to it,  but when we were at the men's emporium well we did have to get him suited up and we came pretty close,  I think we'll have to go to Old Town Sacramento and get a few more things, because when we returned to my home we still carried on in the Victorian manner.

My brother finally gets the idea!

We did go back on more time and I think the Children would have loved to have gone every weekend, but well that can't be,  the twins don't quiet understand, but as they get a little older and a bit more settled maybe they will.  I'm going to have to pass on taking in the Oakland Zoo Lights as I have to stay out of the damp night air for a while.

But we are going to Dunsmuir House this weekend.   Saturday I'm having the family over for Pot Luck to decorate the two Christmas Trees,  Doyle purchased them and both he and my brother will put them up tomorrow so they'll be easy to decorate,  Betty and Sis brought out the  Christmas decorations so they are all ready to go.

I feel bad for being so sick at this time of year, usually I'm reveling in the Holidays, but this has laid me low.

Which makes me wonder if its a wise idea to see the latest   Christmas horror movie "Krampus" but knowing my dark side how can I possibly refuse going to see it,  I did manage to take in "Spectre" and relax and enjoy it---so much so that I reviewed my earlier James Bond films.

I just wish I felt up to putting up my black Christmas tree this year in the entrance hall, but 'easy-does it' as Betty would say.   But it would be nice and gothic to top it with a Krampus tree topper and have my all red Christmas lights on it, yes a bit bizarre but then Darklings I never said I was completely normal either,  well it's something to plan on for next year. 

I wish my Sis could put Christmas Decorations on her house or at least inside but she says she wants her house to be as calm and normal as possible with out anything to remind them of holiday depression, because for some of her clients something tragic may have happened around a holiday, and she wants to avoid any "triggers".   I can understand that.  I think that is why she is so often here at my house for the holidays. 

And now Betty is leaving she wants to get home before it gets too dark, I can understand that,  and before any rain hits.  Although the rains have been filling my water cisterns up very nicely.

Well I'm going to take a later afternoon nap with the dynamic doggie duo while dinner cooks in the slow cooker.

Later Darkings

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