Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Of Another Heat Wave and County Fairs~~~~

Hello My Darklings,

We are having another heat wave,  the temperatures have been going from the upper 60's on the coast to 108 degrees inland,  very worrisome for the elderly and pets,  our temperatures have been hovering in the mid 80's here,  both Belladonna and Weinerdog are getting to be old hands at this, damp towels, fans, plenty of water and easy access to the shaded back porch if so desired.

We've been eating lightly, mostly salads, when it becomes this hot drinking water is far more important than food.  

The house does not have air conditioning we really don't need it here in the Bay Area but when it gets hot, it Get's HOT!!  So the fans are on all over the house.   It will cool down towards the weekend.

My brother and his family made an unusual decision, they wanted to see a lot different events happening at the County Fair including on the last day Demolition RV's, think of the Demolition Derby with oldest, scroungiest RV's that should no longer be on the road and you've got the idea.

But through out there were other things they wanted to see, but always best to go towards the later afternoon very early evening.  So what he did was pack his wife and kids into the RV he had made reservations at this RV park that is right next to the Fair Grounds some months ago, and that way it was no problem to go from the RV to the Fair and he got passes for the Fair for the entire time, Midway rides are extra. 

So with that the children could sleep in, they'd make breakfast there, their RV is air conditioned, and planning to see everything.  

Doyle and I managed to get there to see some of the things but it seems the children were interested in the Animals, and of course the rides,  fortunately I had my parasol and we packed lots of water.

Coralline loved the All Alaskan Pig Races,  and the petting zoo and this magician juggler pirate called Capt. Jack Spareribs,  he did Johnny Depp better than Johnny Depp, and she and Christopher were fascinated by the old time farming equipment, and the miniature train lay out, of course the twins wanted to do the rides, and see the reptiles, but with this extreme heat my brother had called me and said no one was going out until the shadows were long, mostly sleeping in. 

But I insisted on my once a year traditional frozen banana treat,  I had to have it.  An buying Fair Fudge, I remember how Mother insisted on buying the Fair Fudge, and Dad would watch the fellow demonstrate this fishing lure that acted like a fish underwater, and every time he bought a lure, and how we watched baby chicks hatch and brought home 3 of them, 2 newly hatched and an older bird that Dad said would act like a mother to them and did, except it wasn't a hen but a rooster.  And one of the other chicks was a rooster,  two roosters and one hen was not a good thing so a farmer that Dad knew took them in, said one of them was an exotic Silky, he had a hen for it, the other would replace his old rooster that died.  

Mom was worried that the neighbors would complain about the crowing at 6:30 in the morning, like clockwork.  The funny thing, the neighbors complained because we Did get rid of the roosters, those roosters became their alarm clocks.   Oh well, things were different then, now a days someone most likely would poison them or turn then into bar-be-que.   

Different times, pleasant memories.  And the Watkins people, Mom always bought their spices, I do as well, sometimes I put in a phone order when I run out of something.  Lovely memories.

The boys were telling me about the fireworks every night which we saw, the 4th of July is going to be very spectacular.

But it was a good thing we managed to go before the heat wave hit.   My brother calls every day to let us know they are fine, no sunburns, or heat prostration and it's a good work out with the RV and at least not too far away.

Of course he wants to plan on some weekend trips as well, but with all these wild fires he is concerned.  He's thinking of going north again seems both Christopher and Coralline want to see the Trees of Mystery, and may be Crater Lake in Oregon. 

I am so glad they are having fun, escaping from the worries of things. Both Doyle and I have been collecting Mail and Newspapers at their house, while we were at the Fair, Brian watched the dynamic duo for us.

"Crazy Son" has been very, Very quiet,  but as Doyle says "It's just the lull before the next Storm".  Well that will be for another time, should anything happen.

Now I'm just paying bills, and relaxing, 4th of July will be quiet for us, Doyle wants to bar-be-que, so tomorrow I'm buying chicken wings and baby back ribs, we have our lemonade dispensers but with the family at the Fair it will only be just us Doyle, Sis, Cousin Louise and her room mate, Brian and our elderly neighbor, just a small affair, and I'll have to give the nerve pills to the dogs so they will not be upset by any fireworks set off, we will keep a close eye on them, keep them indoors for safety sake.

And you my Darklings have a safe and sane 4th of July.

Later Darklings

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