Sunday, September 21, 2014

Of more on Forest Fires, gaining furry friends~~~

Hello Darklings,

Well after being gone for most of yesterday Doyle came home with Al and the two dogs, once Al got his trailers settled in for storage. 

Al looked exhausted and ready to drop, Doyle asked me if we could put him up for a short time, well I thought any man who is willing to rescue stray dogs is O.K. as far as I'm concern.  Doyle loaned him some work clothes and  I fed the dogs, both German Shepherds, and well mannered, but they would not eat if Al was not in their view, so before he could shower he sat down in the kitchen with us and drank coffee covered in dust, sweat, soot and dirt so the dogs would eat. 

The dogs were dirty too but at this time I was not going to complain, they ate and drank and then flopped down on the floor too exhausted to move, Belladonna and Weiner dog would sniff them and we kept our eyes on them in case a fight started but the Shepherds didn't move an inch as a matter of fact one of them started to snore.

Al said he would stay in the down stairs room he didn't want the dogs to run about the house while they were still dirty and he could watch them when they went out side to do their "thing" and cleaned up after them.

He had a small cabin up in the area of the fire and was grateful for his friends helping him tow his 3 vintage trailers he was restoring, saying he was glad he had new tires on them and the brakes and brake lights working, it made it easier and safer to tow.  But he said that once they got to a safe area he wanted to go back with a friend to see if his cabin was safe but they would not let him back, the wind had shifted.

So all he had was the clothes on his back, his wallet, 2 stray dogs, his heavy duty truck, and 3 vintage trailers in storage.

His buddies would take him in but where they are staying has a no pets policy, even for a short time. 

And me being soft hearted anyway, said he could stay with the dogs until he either could go back or if he'd have to make new arrangements. 

So with borrowed clothes, a fresh shower for himself, he and Doyle took the dogs this morning to Pet Food Express where they have wash stations and they both washed the Dogs removing tons of dirt and soot, bought K-9 Advantex and treated them to keep fleas and such off of them.  Then went to Target and while Doyle stayed with the dogs Al bought some cheap clothes and underwear and what necessities he needed for himself and the dogs to tied him over.

And Doyle to make me happy, being the kind person he knew I am, took time to go into Target when Al returned to the Van, and there he bought a half dozen of each Apothic Red, white and dark wines.

Which are now tucked into my wine area down in the basement.  The Al and Doyle took all 4 dogs for a walk and to talk,  and they found that they had to rearrange how they could walk, it seems that the dogs took it upon themselves as to how they would like up, the larger shepherd on the far outside nearest the street with Weiner Dog next to him, and the Belladonna next to Weiner with the smaller shepherd on the side nearest the lawns, so Doyle and Al had one Shepherd each.  And they paced themselves with the slowest walking dog, Belladonna.

When they came home as I was preparing dinner I asked Al if he knew the dogs' names and he said he had no idea, but he started calling he taller dog Duke and it seems to respond to that name, and he shorter one Gabby, because it seems to "talk" a bit kind of mumble, mumble grump, grump. 

Sis and Brian are over at the house to join us for dinner, and while the pot roast is in its final stages of cooking, the salads chilling in the frig, Sis is making potatoes au gratin. While the men folk sit on the back porch (that is now completely screened in) with the dogs and are talking about the King Fire, and what they've seen in the news, it is not pretty, but it seems the cooler weather maybe helping.

Al is resigned to the fact that he may have lost his cabin, but it will be a few days at least until he knows what has happened.

As I type this and hear my sister puttering in the kitchen, she just asked me if maybe they may want  apple pie for dessert, I said that old fashion comfort food would be he best.  So pie it is.  And the "men folks" voices murmuring drifting in as one or the other's voice gets a bit louder, I am grateful that I have a good size home to house the occasional wayfarer, or visitor, that we know so many people and are in a position to help when we can. 

In many ways I feel blessed.   Al has just come in to use my phone to find out what is happening, but so far the word is he still cannot go back,  he may try to go back on Tuesday, him and Doyle, if they do they'll take Doyles' van it can hold them and the dogs and if possible anything that Al can salvage if there is anything to salvage.

And now the timer has gone off, time to serve dinner.

Later Darklings

No the fireman is not injured he's just resting.
 Another view of the fire, near one of lakes.


  1. Thank you Rebecca, so are we for everyone.

  2. Oh dear. We had a raging fire not long from my birthtown this summer and it was horrible. But happenings like these always gives me hope of humanity. It's very kind of you to open your home to Al and the stray dogs.

  3. Thank you linnea-maria, it is sad when something like that happens but in my heart I could not turn Al away, it's just it was a good thing Doyle and I were at home.

    Sometimes I cannot take someone in, but I can always refer them to some one or some place.

    This happened one time, an acquaintance I had not seen or heard from in years just called me up out of the blue, had just flew in to SFO and wanted to stay at my place, well I was going out of town for a week and explained why I couldn't, but would have been happy to recommend some nice places to stay, she got all huffy and hung up.

    Some times I can and sometimes I can't, and this was one of those times I could, thank goodness!
