Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Of Some Earthquake Good News~~~

Hello Darklings,

We've been following the news of the Napa quake here at work and we cheered when we heard that the boy that was crushed under bricks from the family fireplace, although having major surgery has been upgraded to "satisfactory condition"  his pelvis had to be, as I understand it, re-built, but for a bright and happy 13 year old he's very upbeat.

Two very venerable historic churches are going to be saved from demolition and restored.  And from what we've been hearing that is what they are going to do with as much as possible with historic Downtown Napa.   I sincerely hope so.

They are saying that Napa is open for business but the main part of town is still being cleared away but many businesses around the area are functioning including many wineries. 

And from what we've seen in the news the whole community is pulling together and helping out any way they can.

They have over 100 aftershocks but the chance of having another big one is now down to 12%.

I always love good news, so tonight Doyle and I will plan on doing something over the weekend, there is the place, I have to go to KPIX (CBS ch 5) website to get the name, it's a consignment shop and they are taking donations of kitchen goods, glasses, dishes etc to help people get back on their feet who lost their dish ware and it will be exchanged for free. 

Sis and I have some modern dish and glass wear from our old apartments before I moved into the house, so now I think Doyle and I will take it with us and drop it off up there, when we go up on the weekend.

Coralline is both happy and a little sad, School for her starts next week, happy because she'll be seeing a number of her friends, sad because the Summer for her is over, but her Dad has said that does not end the trips.  So I think something is in the works.

Later Darklings

1 comment:

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