Oh I so did not want to get up this morning, every bone in my body is aching with exhaustion and the cold, BUT it was a fun weekend!!
I certainly cannot deny that. Haunted Houses (fund raisers), Halloween displays, spooky music, Harvest Festival goodies, a Day of the Dead Exhibit at the museum, face painting, ice cream, spooky movies, popcorn.
I think the quiet time was really when we were at the musical concert "Pipe Screams" I wasn't sure the girls would enjoy it but they did, now they want to create their own compulation of scary music both classical, pop and rock, I hope it goes beyond Screaming Jay Hawkins "I put a spell on you".
Afterwards we had Pizza at one of the girls favorite pizza places, and it had the works, I had to take Tums to calm my stomach and later Alza Seltzer for the headache, but even with a headache and a tumbling tummy, it was fun and none of us were going to stop them from having fun because we were enjoying it too.
I had a list of things to go and see for the girls to select and both girls wanted to go to the museum to see the day of the dead exhibit and the Harvest Fair as well, and we manage to cram both of it in. We let them scamper along as we took our time to buy some homemade goodies for the pantry. And somehow we managed to grab a bite to eat as well.
Saturday night after pizza fest, I had a selection of Horror movies for the girls to select and watch and they wanted to see "Night of the Demon" I was surprised they wanted to see such an old (1950's) film, I thought they'd chose "Nightmare on Elm Street" or "Halloween" but they said they want to be scared but not too much, so with popcorn in the new bowls we all watched it and I approved their choice.
Sunday was overcast and very cold so it was a good thing that indoor events were selected, when we got home for dinner we fired up the fireplace to add a certain amount of added warmth, and while Sis and I finished up the crock pot stew, Doyle and the girls were playing Mexican train dominos, and were joined by Sis's tennant Brian whom we invited over for dinner. He had been putting in long, long hours at his job and was greatful for a home cooked meal.
After dinner in the family parlor the girls told Brian about their adventures and Doyle, Sis and I filled in some of the details. We were waiting for the girls parents but both sets were delayed, the weather had taken a cold and extremely windy turn and there were some accidents on the roads that delayed their getting to us, but our concern was their safe arrival.
Brian turned out to be a very good story teller, it seems his hobby is collecting true ghostly tales and he told us (mostly the girls) about the local hauntings of Alcatraz, a book store in Oakland, poltergeist activity, and other haunted locations and he did a very good job, his memory of such things was surprizing, we even had a lively discussion about the Amytiville Hauntings and he had recorded the interview from Coast to Coast with Christopher Lutz the youngest son involved at that house and how much of the so called haunting was over exagerated and Brian talked about the Warren's and how they saw Demons in every thing.
Which of course took us into the realm of ghost hunting and such, and while we talked the wind became wilder and wilder with bumps and thumps and a crash or two, which the men folk checked out, to add to the exciting spookyness of it all----it wasn't until midnight that their girls were gathered up and we bid a relucatant goodbye.
Now this morning it dawned extremely cold, and chilly, I had a hard time having Belladonna go to the bath room even with her sweater on, I put her sleeping cushion on the couch in the family parlor and covered her with a fleece throw and she is not complaining.
Doyle and I assessed the damage that the wind did to the graveyard display, one of the skeletons was blown apart and scattered here and there, some tombstones were knocked down but old Grim Reaper was still standing, so when the sun is higher and a little warmer we will repair the displays. The wind storm was bad, knocking out power to some area's, a tree crashed into a house, but there is snow on the mountains.
But it will be clear and very cold come Halloween night, I'm only going to be working the mornings so I'll have the afternoons and evenings to prepare for my party Sis and Doyle will help when they get home and Louise is helping me as well, she was gone for the weekend to stay with a friend of hers who may have an apartment for Louise to rent, since her friend owns a 4 plex unit so things appear to be working out for her.
But it was a fun and spooky weekend, much better than I hoped, even if tiring.
Now I'm going to get some more coffee and get a bit warmer.
Later Darklings
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We are such a Happy and Fun Family |
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