Goodness Darklings,
I am in a writing mood of late, perhaps because of the (horrors) sunshine.
But more because I’m having fun looking at all the fashions that have come out through the various media outlets and of course Fashion Week.
In a way I pity the fashion reporters and buyers, how exhausting it must be to go to these events and how much fun.
In a few weeks I’ll be going to my own fashion show, the vintage fashion fair held in San Francisco, if ever there was a city that captured Noir and Goth so beautifully it’s San Francisco.
But I’ve been having fun going to the Net-A-Porter.com web site and checked out their Paris Suitcase and there were several items I simply could not resist.
I have posted 3 images for you above.
First up is a gold plated bib necklace with Swarovski crystals by Carven. Very art deco and very edgy for an evening out.
Next were two belts with panthers on them, first (on the right) a Pantera crystal-embellished leather belt by Lanvin the other (on the left)a Roberto Cavalli Metallic-leather jaguar-buckle belt, although I feel that the Lanvin one is edgier than the Cavalli.
But picture them with a long dress or fitted top and skirt or black jeans or black leather pants, even the deepest, darkest Emerald green or purple will look well with them.
But I am looking so forward towards the Vintage Fashion Fair that will be held in the next and Darklings, I have just indulged in our locally famous White Elephant Sale, one never knows what one will find, and I found several lovely vintage hats, and the old fashion nylons that one needs to wear with a garter belt, still in their packaging.
Some of you have asked for a progress report on my home (formerly my great-aunt’s).
Well Darklings, I have friend who is a retired building inspector and he has gone through my house completely, having “fun” dealing with spiders, and a few dead rodents. Even he has fallen in love with the house.
The foundation and the roof need to be redone, as well as wiring, plumbing, drywall, etc.
But the upside is that for now the roof will hold and I can have the wiring and plumbing done a bit at a time (well first one then the other).
So foundation first, and completely redo the basement/laundry area, I was warned that with everything it will mean that a lot of the lathe and plaster will crack, but I’m not worried about that as long as the house is structurally sound, which my friend said it is.
My greatest fear was wood rot and termites; fortunately the termite damage is small and easily repaired.
What will happen in the basement/foundation area is to completely have it retro fitted for earthquake, and then finish the basement off, so that it is not a dark and damp place, and make the laundry room totally easy to work in by having it light and bright, with a clothes drying line for rainy days, washer and dryer, my question is, is it easier to go with gas or an electric dryer? With Electric I’ll have to install heavier wiring, but with gas the pipes are already there from the former old gas dryer. I plan to use the dryer mostly for sheets and towels; oh I know such a mundane problem. I was advised that if I go with a gas dryer to install a carbon monoxide detector.
And for the rest of the basement?? Well storage is a good thing, so what I plan to do for now is finish it off, and make it light, bright, water, mold and mildew proof.
That is step one.
I know Darklings, a light, bright laundry room and basement? Well I feel that in those area’s you do need as much light as possible to be able to see any damage and make sure things are right and to be able to find things as well.
Step two will be the roof.
So far it is holding but it’s on it’s 3rd layer so it will need to be stripped to the ribs and that will give us a good chance to see if any of the ribs need to be replaced and all new gutters. Aunty wasn’t feeling well and sort of let things go, I think it’s because she didn’t want to face the fact that the place although sound did need some serious upkeep work, and fortunately I am in a position to have it done.
So I intend to do steps one and two this year before, I hope Summer’s end, my building inspector friend will act as my “major domo” and over see what is being done and give me updates, because unfortunately I do have to work, even with an inheritance.
I gave up my apartment, and moved what I had into the 3rd level of the house, yes Darklings, 3 levels, plus basement, plus attic a lot of stair climbing, but step aerobics are suppose to be good for you. All of my aunts clothing I’ve moved into another bed room for now until I can properly go through it, and she had some wonderful vintage pieces, never threw anything away.
Some of my cousins are in a snit, but my younger sister doesn’t mind, she received a comfortable bequest and since her job requires her traveling a lot she told me laughingly that’s she’s glad she doesn’t have my ‘headaches’. Oh well, I don’t consider them as such. And with the extra bedrooms she can visit and stay for as long as she needs to, she is almost as darkly minded as I am.
Two of my surviving elder Uncles remembered my Great Aunt as being a bit intimidating, I had the pleasure of asking how and they told me. I was surprised to discover that some of the things I’ve talked about, she also did, very effectively. I asked them why they didn’t stay in touch with her, I mean my parents did and so did Granny, and they replied that is was their wives who insisted---I have to admit two of the most mean spirited women I ever met. They don’t even like me, fearing that I’ll contaminate them or their children or grandchildren----well there is one cousin that is impressed with me, and she is quiet an artist, I’ve sort of taken her under my wing, if only her Mother will let her breathe.
Now those aunts are wailing about how unfair it was that my Great-Aunt left the bulk of her estate to me, but I had the malicious pleasure of telling them they only had themselves to blame. Thanks goodness I don’t have to see them very often.
I had a chance to walk into the garden and was sad to see so much of it had gone to seed so to speak, but a friend of mine who loves to garden is going to map out what appears to be there and when I’m ready I can plan on what I want to do.
The front garden has an old fashioned metal fence and gate, but it’s hidden under a wildly spreading bougainvillea that has thorns, which considering all the metal thieves might be a good thing. Right now I have the lawn mowed but told the gardener to leave the bougainvillea alone for now.
Plans, plans, plans, so many plans, and I’ll have to take the time to carefully look them over.
Later Darklings.
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