Sunday, February 24, 2013

Of skipping the Oscars, Chinese New Years and a Nail magazine~~~

Hello My Darklings,

I am so tired, I can barely keep my eyes open.  Good thing my sister is cooking dinner tonight.


Chinese New Years Street Fair and Parade----Wonderful!  I even bought a small 8 sided mirror to reflect back evil for the front door, my sister and I had fun trying the different treats, I'm going to have to diet, the Chinese New Years and Lent not a good combination but what can on elderly Goth do but enjoy---Eat, Drink and Be Merry for Tomorrow We Die!   Well almost.

It's a good thing we bundled up warmly and wore comfortable walking shoes, I tucked my keys and my small wallet inside my jacket in an inside pocket that had Velcro fasteners, that way my hands are free and no purse to steal, my sister did the same thing.  We wore our Beret's to keep our heads warm , it was lovely during the day but there was a wind chill factor,  we managed to find a restaurant to eat dinner before the parade, just so many people, the colors, the sounds of fire crackers, and Lion dancers to bring good luck, people exchanging red envelopes and the color of red, gold and green everywhere but it didn't feel like Christmas but something else, something very exotic.

And the food was good, but now today, I'm back on Lent.

We went to the cemetery to check on the family graves and head stones and to leave flowers, so peaceful after all the exuberance of yesterday, and a hint of the promise of spring, I even saw a robin.  I look at the old headstones and statues and I wonder if anything like this will exist a hundred years from now or will they become historical artifacts or only memories captured in photo's.  It gives me a further idea as to what to do for my garden and for the house,  its so old and done by a famous architect.  This idea keeps "cooking" in my mind.   Even my sister remarked to me if it were possible to build an above ground tomb on the grounds, the lot is huge enough, huge and deep enough to build 4 houses with room for gardens ---which I won't do.  But an idea.  

The Oscars are on tonight, but I am so tired, I think I'll go to bed early not that the Oscars ever really captured my interest except a little.   I never had a chance to see any of the films people keep talking about, but then film wise my interests are elsewhere.  So I think I'll go to bed early and enjoy sleep.

After we left the cemetery we stopped at a grocery store to pick up a few things and I came across a magazine called "Nail It"  it's all about nail polish and nail care and style and designs---premier issue---had to buy it.  I'll give you my thoughts about it later Darklings, but it does seem like fun.

Now I'm going to lie down, I just can't keep my eyes open.

Later Darklings

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Of Valentine's Day, Lent and "Skyfall"~~~~~

Hello Darklings,

I know I have not been posting much of late, work here has been keeping me busy and doing late work, just to keep up.

I'm not fond of it but it has to be done, although this last weekend I and Doyle had our Valentine treat, and Darklings I'm not going to give you all the details, but deep blood red roses and a very dark red wine of what vintage I'm not sure, Doyle would not tell me were part of the treat.

He made reservations at this wonderful place that reminded me of a speak-easy of the 1920's and the food was excellent, he told me to dress up in my 1930's best evening gown which I did, in deepest emerald green with matching shoes, purse, and I worn my vintage (underscore that word---VINTAGE) black mink stole.   Doyle also looked fantastic, reminded me of a dapper gangster.   We danced, we dined, we drank wine and we.....I'll leave the rest to your imagination.

Sunday we watched our newly purchased DVD of the James Bond movie "Skyfall"  and I loved it, they are re-vamping the James Bond story to meet with 21st century threats,  I believe M's speech truly outlines that idea.  And seeing a combination of old and new ideas.  I'm going to look forward to the next few Bond movies.   But the actress that Bond meets in a Macao Gambling Hall, how she looked and dressed was perfect for a Goth, she started out being 'dangerous' but she knew the danger was also near her.  I loved how she was made up and how she was dressed.  I don't think I could pull that off completely but still it had a certain style.

My sister Marie has also indulged in buying the March issues of Vogue, Elle, Harper's Bazaar, and Vanity Fair, so this coming weekend we are going to have fun reading it in the evenings to see what can be gleaned from them.

It is raining now, and we so do need it to build up the snow pack, even if did have a brief flutter of warm weather, like a promise of what spring can bring.

My sister and I attended Ash Wednesday services, and now it is Lent, a time of mourning and fasting and remembering,  I and Marie plan to go to the cemetery this coming Sunday to check on our parents and grandparents graves, leave flowers and prayers, we do it several times a year, weather permitting, but during Lent, Memorial Day weekend and just before Halloween.

But before that we intend to go to the Chinese New Year Celebration on Saturday and take in their Street Fair and Parade, Doyle will be with us for the parade as he will be busy on assignment during the day, but we'll have to take BART to and from, parking will be impossible.   This year is the year of the water snake, which might be a difficult year for some.   We shall see.

Ahhhh my break is almost over, and my young man friend has brought me a cup of Hazelnut coffee, he is very sweet.

Later Darklings

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Of a short update~~~

Hello Darklings,

I am at work early this morning, so much to do.

This will be a quick update, Doyle, my sister and I had fun at the Film Noir Festival, it was fun seeing all these movies that explore the twistedness of the human mind.  Seeing Peggy Cummings was delightful, I am so glad that she knows that she is appreciated for her work in film.

And of course our wearing period clothing, exchanging business cards, making contacts, all in good fun as well as Networking.   Yes my Darklings, business cards although old-fashioned still work, it is real it is tangible.

I'm going to be posting some more current fashion observations a little later on, but of late in the real world I've noticed a trend in nail polish to the grey, pale beige, and sage green colors, all in neutral tones, it maybe the transtional colors for late winter, early spring before the splash of summer colors come out.

I like them and will post more about it later.

Now must go, my 10 minute mental break is over.

Later Darklings